
Thursday 14 June 2012

Lillac and red

street style, street photography, beijing, street style, photgraphy, blog,

Today was my taitai day. Peter is travelling abroad, so i have day when i am (without excuses) can do only my own stuff. Seemed as i had to do a lot. Well at least i did one big thing: tinted hair roots LOL. But no excuses for me tomorrow - i going to hunt some really fashionable people. 

Still (lucky me) i'e been very productive previous days so i still have a lof of pictures of the very nice people. And this woman feels as she concentrated all the bright colors. Not as me (lol shame shame for you pale Erina). So I feel a bit jealous (of course in the good way). 

p.s. Anyway, i am in China now, and here white skin counting as very beautiful. so i dont complain

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